PURPOSE Resources
The PURPOSE programme (Promoting Understanding and Research into Productivity, Obesity Stigma and Employment), is funded by Novo Nordisk. It focusses on improving national productivity levels via better employment and labour market outcomes for those living with overweight or obesity. Novo Nordisk has provided funding to the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) to undertake the creation of the PURPOSE programme. Novo Nordisk has had no influence over the content of this programme. IES retains full and final editorial control over all aspects of the PURPOSE programme.
Report: Obesity stigma at work: Improving inclusion and productivity
The report undertakes a detailed review of existing evidence-based research around obesity and overweight, looking at obesity prevalence in England and the Devolved Nations, causes and consequences of obesity for health and the economy, analysis of implications for employment and recommendations for both employers and employees, healthcare professionals, the government and the media.
Webinar: Obesity stigma at work: Improving inclusion and productivity
A webinar discussing research findings from the first output of the PURPOSE programme, featuring Dame Carol Black, Dr Zofia Bajorek, Stephen Bevan and Dr Duncan Brown
Report: Living and working with obesity, are employers playing their part?
This research considers the role of workplace health programmes which focus on supporting those living and working with obesity. It explores the evidence of their effectiveness and their impact on both employee and organisational outcomes.
Toolkit: Returning to the workplace after Covid-19
This toolkit highlights the legal responsibilities that employers have for providing a safe workplace, as well as detailing a six-step practical plan which aims to understand both organisational and employee needs as workplaces begin to plan for the future.
Blog: Weight-based stigma occurs at every stage of the employment cycle – it needs to stop now
Dr Zofia Bajorek details evidence of pervasive weight-based discrimination throughout the work cycle and the implications for employment outcomes.
Blog: Beating Obesity Stigma: A Three-step Programme
To mark World Obesity Day, Stephen Bevan calls for action to tackle the systematic barriers to workplace inclusivity faced by people living with obesity.
Blog: Living and working with obesity: Employers must break the cycle of workplace discrimination
Zofia Bajorek details the legal, moral and business cases for employers to prioritise workplace health programmes for staff living with overweight and obesity.
Blog: Lifting the lid on the return to workplace toolkit
Zofia Bajorek details the latest output from the PURPOSE programme, a toolkit for employers to establish a return-to-workplace plan for employees living with obesity.
Guide: Healthcare professionals, obesity and employment
This guide shines a light on the role that healthcare professionals can play in discussing the role of employment and employment status in the prevention, treatment and vocational rehabilitation of people living with obesity.
Report: Obesity stigma and employment in the Netherlands
This report sets out the available data on employment outcomes for people living with obesity in the Netherlands, in an international context. It highlights data gaps in statistics regarding the stigma and discrimination experienced by people of working age living with obesity, and several areas where Dutch policy makers, healthcare professionals and employers need to take action to ensure that people living with obesity can enjoy equal employment opportunities.
Report: Obesity stigma and employment in Spain
In this report (published in both English and Spanish) we are focusing on obesity stigma and discrimination in employment in Spain. IES has carried out desk research to review the clinical and social science literature on obesity stigma and employment, examined data sources in Spain and internationally, and held interviews and correspondence with Spanish researchers and academics who have an interest in these topics.