A review of the National Student Survey (NSS)
The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is working with IES to explore the feasibility of developing a student satisfaction survey aimed at those studying taught postgraduate courses. These important students currently lie outside the remit of the National Student Survey (the NSS) , the survey that acts as a key source of information guiding student choices; and the sector are concerned that as a consequence the information needs of prospective postgraduate students are under served. This new research will therefore consider the feasibility, design and options for conducting a survey of taught postgraduate students, and, if appropriate, will undertake a short pilot to pave the way for a potential full-scale national survey. The research is funded by HEFCE and will involve a review of domestic and international surveys, consultation with sector stakeholders, and, critically, consultation with higher education institutions. A sister research project, will investigate the information needs of postgraduate students, assess the perceived usefulness of a satisfaction survey and help to develop appropriate survey questions.