Induction processes and development of career entrants (INDUCT II)
The project extended ongoing research on "Induction processes and development of career entrants" (INDUCT II) and included a survey on company perception, acceptance, use and development of the qualifications of career entrants in selected occupations and countries (namely in motor vehicle servicing and the health care sector). IES’s work was a national report for the UK, feeding into the wider context of BiBB's INDUCT research project. The INDUCT project recorded the process of recruitment and induction and evaluations of the quality of the performance delivered by the (vocational) education system from a company point of view in United Kingdom, Spain and Germany. The survey was undertaken by BMG Research, subcontracted to IES for the survey fieldwork and related services (set-up, coding and reporting), and IES, who provided a further specification of the questionnaire and analysed and reported the findings for the UK survey.