Creative Graduates - Creative Futures: Survey of the Career Patterns of UK Graduates in Art, Design and Media
Working through 20 to 30 higher education institutions offering practice-based arts and design degrees, IES surveyed graduates from three graduating years (2001/02, 2002/03 and 2003/04). The survey updated the Destinations and Reflections study of 1998 to provide an insight into the career progression and employment destinations of art, design and media graduates, and also the benefits of the HE experience.
The main postal and online survey focused on experiences in HE, current activities and future aspirations. This was followed by a shorter email survey that focused on time taken to establish oneself in a career, the difficulties/challenges in making the transition to work and professional practice, and the importance of professional development.
A small number of in-depth telephone surveys (approx. 30) then explored the portfolio nature of early career development and issues around defining and achieving success.