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  • The future for education and skills: the three 'A's

    Newsletter articles

    1 Sep 2010

    For many years the focus of education policy was very firmly on the so-called three ‘R’s: reading, writing and arithmetic. Looking ahead, the emerging policy focus of the coalition government in the area of education and skills seems to be on the three ‘A’s: academies, apprenticeships, and austerity.

  • Coalition government and the evidence base

    Newsletter articles

    1 Sep 2010

    Details of the new UK government’s policy priorities in areas of interest to IES (including welfare reform, skill development, further and higher education, workforce health and well-being, older workers and pensions, and many others) are only just emerging. However, its approach to the generation and analysis of the evidence base to underpin these priorities remains wholly unclear.

  • The career paths of NHS chief executives

    Newsletter articles

    1 Apr 2010

    Chief executives, amongst other UK leaders, have recently come under sharp criticism for being self-centred and not abashed about awarding themselves bumper bonuses during the economic downturn. However, IES research for NHS Yorkshire and Humber (NHS Y&H) revealed that chief executives in their organisations were clearly driven by wanting to make a difference to others: a welcome antidote to the popular negative press.

  • Building an HR strategy

    Newsletter articles

    1 Apr 2010

  • IDeA: Organisational redesign web resource

    Newsletter articles

    1 Apr 2010

  • Innovative working practices

    Newsletter articles

    1 Apr 2010

  • Improving access to work

    Newsletter articles

    1 Feb 2010

    The Access to Work programme (AtW) has been operating in the UK since 1994 and is designed for people with long-term health conditions and impairments who require additional support to take up work or to do their job. It aims to reduce inequalities between disabled people and non-disabled people in the workplace by removing practical barriers to work.

  • Comparing national approaches to managing restructuring

    Newsletter articles

    1 Feb 2010

    The current difficult economic climate has made an impact all around the EU – as we are seeing in this issue of employment studies – causing businesses to close and resulting in workers losing their jobs. The way in which governments, public agencies, social partners and other involved parties are managing this differs throughout the EU.

  • Whither Welfare-to-Work? IES policy conference report

    Newsletter articles

    1 Feb 2010

    With a general election on the horizon, a period of public spending cuts ahead and the effects of the recession putting the UK’s welfare system under increased strain, the fourth IES policy conference provided a timely opportunity to draw together labour market experts to discuss ‘whither goes welfare-to-work?’

  • The EU response to the economic crisis

    Newsletter articles

    1 Feb 2010

    The world financial crisis of 2008 and the ensuing recession has led the EU to rethink its approach and priorities in relation to employment and labour market policies. We review the main activities and communications from the EU institutions over the past year, as policymakers try to mitigate the employment impact of the recession and try to support EU member states in their efforts to pursue active labour market policies.