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Recent IES Publications
1 Apr 2015recent IES publications
Recent IES HR news in brief
1 Apr 2015IES news in brief
Duncan Brown returns to IES
1 Apr 2015Duncan Brown returns to IES
Shared parental leave: what are you doing about it?
1 Apr 2015Shared Parental Leave (SPL) and Shared Parental Pay (ShPP) is a new way for parents to share statutory leave and pay on the birth of a child. It will be available for working parents whose baby is due on or after 5 April 2015, or who adopt a child on or after that date.
Thinking about mindfulness?
1 Apr 2015Mindfulness techniques are being promoted in the management press as the answer to changing the way people think, feel and act in the workplace. The claims made are considerable and growing: that it reduces stress and sickness absence; re-energises employees and improves personal resilience; enhances an individual’s ability to cope with change and uncertainty; increases creative thinking; and increases socially responsible behaviour at work.
The business case for leadership and management skills
1 Apr 2015Management and Leadership skills have been associated with a wide range of outcomes of importance – productivity, innovation, employee safety and wellbeing, and employee engagement for example.
Productivity tops the next government’s to do list
1 Apr 2015Jim Hillage, in reaction to statistics released today by the ONS, has published his thoughts on why productivity will be a priority for the next government.
Shared Parental Leave: Parenting revolution or business as usual?
30 Mar 2015Mary Mercer asks whether employers can and will challenge the status quo with the new Shared Parental Leave regulations to create a world where it will become normal for men as well as women to be off for blocks of time around the birth of their child.
IES partner in new Centre for Vocational Education Research
24 Mar 2015Nick Boles MP, Minister of State for Skills & Equalities, recently launched the Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER), funded by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Overcoming poverty and increasing young people's participation
23 Mar 2015Becci Newton and Jonathon Buzzeo have recently authored an article, Overcoming poverty and increasing young people's participation, in the journal Criminal Matters.