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  • Is work getting worse, and worse for the workers?

    Newsletter articles

    24 Nov 2015

    Several articles in this issue are linked to an underlying theme of work, health and wellbeing. Indeed, the related questions of how work affects people’s wellbeing (for good or ill) and of how people’s wellbeing affects their performance at work, are of growing interest to both policymakers and employers and have been an increasing part of the Institute’s work portfolio for several years.

  • Vocational Education Research at IES

    Newsletter articles

    24 Nov 2015

    In the summer of 2015, a plan for ‘Creating a more prosperous nation’ was presented to Parliament, outlining major policy initiatives for both the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and HM Treasury to help reduce the productivity gap between the UK and other G7 countries. In order to answer questions raised by the new policy direction, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills funded the new Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER), a multi-year research programme. The Centre aims to become a world-class research hub with the potential to generate a step-change in our understanding of the nature, significance and potential contribution of VET to individuals and the wider economy.

  • IES Honorary Fellowship launch

    Newsletter articles

    24 Nov 2015

    This Autumn, IES will be launching our Honorary Fellows programme.

  • The difference managers can make to workplace health

    Newsletter articles

    23 Nov 2015

    The importance of the role of line managers in employee wellbeing and health has been highlighted by guidelines recently published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), which were underpinned by an evidence review from IES.

  • Impact of market integration on employment conditions in road haulage

    Newsletter articles

    23 Nov 2015

    The road haulage sector is an important transnational sector in the European Union. The industry has undergone significant structural change over the past decade, due to liberalisation of the market and the increased competition that this has caused. IES recently undertook research for the European Parliament that assessed the impact of market integration on employment conditions in the sector. A complicated picture emerged of a sector characterised by long and complex subcontracting chains and instances of long driving times, inadequate rest, and some employer practices aimed at circumventing EU and national employment regulation.

  • Supporting students with mental health issues

    Newsletter articles

    23 Nov 2015

    Over recent years there has been better recognition of the economic and social costs of poor mental health among the population. Improving mental health has also become an increasing political priority, illustrated for example by the recent appointment of a Minister for Mental Health to the full Shadow Cabinet. At the same time, public attitudes have been changing for the better, leading to a more open culture in relation to mental health. IES has a long track record of researching mental health at work and recently undertook research for the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to investigate how higher education institutions provided support for students with mental health problems and/or other impairments with intensive support need.

  • Risk Management with a smile! Getting an early start on health and safety

    Newsletter articles

    23 Nov 2015

    ‘You’re never too young to learn about health and safety’ according to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), which aims to make European workplaces safer, healthier and more productive. IES recently carried out an evaluation of EU-OSHA’s ongoing ‘Napo for Teachers’ initiative, developed with the aim of promoting basic health and safety knowledge to primary school children.

  • Growing entrepreneurship: is it good for the workers?

    Blog posts

    16 Nov 2015

    During Global Entrepreneurship Week, Nigel Meager looks at what the rise in self-employment might mean for job quality.

  • India and the UK: a golden opportunity?

    Blog posts

    11 Nov 2015

    Sam Swift casts an eye on the Indian labour market, and ponders where the world's second biggest country is heading.