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  • IES Viewpoint: Plus ça change?

    Newsletter articles

    5 May 2016

    IES Director Nigel Meager looks back at developments in employment and labour market over the last ten years, and considers what has really changed.

  • Behavioural insights for Organisations

    Newsletter articles

    5 May 2016

    In March 2016, the Cabinet Office published ORGANISER, an innovative tool based on detailed evidence gathered by the Institute for Employment Studies during an extensive Rapid Evidence Assessment. The launch of ‘ORGANISER’ was marked by a high-profile event in Whitehall attended by over a hundred policy professionals across government.

  • Managing older workers

    Newsletter articles

    5 May 2016

    Demographic changes are increasing the number of older people at work, and legislative changes such as the abolition of the default retirement age, coupled with less advantageous pension arrangements, mean that older workers are less likely to be moving into retirement as early as was previously the case. IES has conducted research into the enabling factors and constraints on employers looking to support those who wish to continue in employment up to and beyond state pensionable age.

  • Employers' graduate recruitment and selection practices and the impact on social mobility

    Newsletter articles

    5 May 2016

    Recent work by IES on behalf of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills highlights the challenges facing employers when looking to recruit graduates, the approaches they adopt to attract and select graduates and how these have changed over time. The research also contributes pertinent qualitative evidence to the current debates around social mobility and higher education (HE).

  • Wage bargaining and pay outcomes in Europe

    Newsletter articles

    5 May 2016

    In the European Union, around two-thirds of workers are covered by some form of collective agreement, pointing towards the importance of wage bargaining for macroeconomic outcomes in the 'European Social Model'. IES undertook research for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions to better understand the effects of the different characteristics of (national) wage bargaining regimes on pay outcomes. Our study delivers new empirical evidence on the impact of bargaining institutions on macroeconomic outcomes, incorporating key features of national wage negotiation systems such as centralisation and coordination.

  • Progress of the reform programme: issues raised by the Apprenticeship Trailblazers

    Newsletter articles

    5 May 2016

    The Apprenticeship Trailblazers are the government's key response to the Richard Review, putting employers at the heart of developments in order to increase trust in and uptake of Apprenticeships. IES was involved in tracking the process and experiences of the earliest employer networks that took forward the design of the new Apprenticeship standards.

  • Is work getting worse, and worse for the workers?

    Newsletter articles

    24 Nov 2015

    Several articles in this issue are linked to an underlying theme of work, health and wellbeing. Indeed, the related questions of how work affects people’s wellbeing (for good or ill) and of how people’s wellbeing affects their performance at work, are of growing interest to both policymakers and employers and have been an increasing part of the Institute’s work portfolio for several years.

  • Vocational Education Research at IES

    Newsletter articles

    24 Nov 2015

    In the summer of 2015, a plan for ‘Creating a more prosperous nation’ was presented to Parliament, outlining major policy initiatives for both the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and HM Treasury to help reduce the productivity gap between the UK and other G7 countries. In order to answer questions raised by the new policy direction, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills funded the new Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER), a multi-year research programme. The Centre aims to become a world-class research hub with the potential to generate a step-change in our understanding of the nature, significance and potential contribution of VET to individuals and the wider economy.

  • IES Honorary Fellowship launch

    Newsletter articles

    24 Nov 2015

    This Autumn, IES will be launching our Honorary Fellows programme.

  • The difference managers can make to workplace health

    Newsletter articles

    23 Nov 2015

    The importance of the role of line managers in employee wellbeing and health has been highlighted by guidelines recently published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), which were underpinned by an evidence review from IES.