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  • 'Gender Pay: A moving target'... but one where more transparency and HR action will help

    Blog posts

    23 Mar 2015

    In a blog post originally published by CIPD, Duncan Brown urges HR to take the lead on addressing the gender pay gap.

  • Thanks for the good news Chancellor, but what about youth unemployment?

    Blog posts

    19 Mar 2015

    It was either a coincidence or careful planning that the monthly labour market statistics came out on the day of the Budget. It enabled the Chancellor to underline the dramatic improvement in the labour market in recent years, with record levels of employment and overall unemployment down to almost pre-recession levels. However, not all is rosy in the labour market garden.

  • What is in a name?

    Blog posts

    15 Jan 2015

    I have been writing and talking about HR business partners a lot recently and this has reminded me of the importance of terminology.

  • Unsung Heroes - Samuel Plimsoll

    Blog posts

    17 Dec 2014

    Dilys Robinson outlines why this unsung hero deserves more recognition for his influence on modern-day health and safety.

  • A visitor's eye view

    Blog posts

    7 Oct 2014

    At IES we study organisational effectiveness. We wade through literature, talk to senior managers and lots of focus groups, consult academics and examine metrics. We ruminate on the alignment between business and individual performance, culture, engagement - all that stuff. And yet… I've spent a lot of my working life visiting organisations and am amused, intrigued and sometimes appalled at what a visitor experiences.

  • Strategic HR and lessons from history

    Blog posts

    4 Sep 2014

    Now that it's September, coming back to work after summer distractions and in particular visiting the Edinburgh book festival, I started thinking about what have I (re)learned? One thing I've been thinking over is how do you understand the past?

  • Using mediation to deal with conflict at work

    Blog posts

    15 Jul 2014

    Conflict in the workplace is a fact of working life at some point for most people. Dealing with conflict and in particular stopping it from escalating, ultimately to an employment tribunal, is a difficult task and yet an essential one, as conflict can cause a significant amount of disruption and upheaval for both those involved and their colleagues.

  • 'Bad News' and its Impact on Engagement

    Blog posts

    4 Jun 2014

    It seems that every week brings another bad news story to damage the reputation of many of our best-loved institutions. The NHS is still reeling from the body-blow of the shocking findings of the Francis Report on the failings in Mid-Staffordshire. The Co-operative Bank has been found lacking, and its chair is in disgrace. There have been high-profile care home scandals, our MPs are still not forgiven for dodgy expenses claims - and we even have horsemeat in our beef-burgers.

  • You can't always get what you want...

    Blog posts

    23 Apr 2014

    ‘...but if you try some time, you just might find, that if you're a woman in work then you probably still won't get the pay or the grade you deserve.'

  • Employment Law and other statutory changes - Spring 2014

    Blog posts

    7 Apr 2014

    As trailed in my blog post in September 2013, here is an update on employment law and other statutory changes that are coming into force with the beginning of the tax year on 6 April, as well as a couple of other interesting changes due over the summer and into the autumn.