Training: going out of fashion for a decade
The FE and skills panto
An article on GrowthBusiness quotes an IES paper on Organisation Design that was published earlier this year
Mary Mercer was interviewed on Woman's Hour, BBC Radio 4, on the subject of Shared Parental Leave
Duncan Brown quoted in People Management article on the cost to employers of the National Living Wage
IES report 'HR in a disordered world' quoted in an article on realbusiness, offering tips for smooth change in business
Duncan Brown was quoted in the Independent on Sunday discussing the introduction of the living wage
A report on Duncan Brown's statement at Employee Benefits Live 2015 that the UK median gender pay gap is higher than EU average
Andrea Broughton was interviewed for an Italian television programme, Vita fuori dall'Euro (Life outside the Eurozone), about how unions work in the UK
Duncan Brown speaks to Employee Benefits about the government's gender pay gap consultation
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