IES head of HR consultancy, Duncan Brown, comments in CIPHR's white paper on eight trends shaping HR in 2018
Duncan Brown, head of HR consultancy, comments in Raconteur on whether pay calculations should take into account an employees potential to add value
Nursing in Practice report findings from the Royal College of Nursing Employment Survey 2017, conducted by IES
Nursing Times reports findings from IES survey on behalf of the Royal College of Nursing, including low morale and worries about staffing levels amongst nursing staff
The Guardian covers IES survey of nursing staff on behalf of the Royal College of Nursing, in article on NHS staff shortages
E-reward piece on new report considering representation and remuneration of women on FTSE-350 boards, with commentary from Duncan Brown, IES head of HR consultancy
Duncan Brown speaks to Nick Martindale for Raconteur piece on pay transparency
Peter Reilly comments on HR's strategic role for Raconteur's Future of HR report
Opinion piece in People Management considers IES research on performance management
Emma Pollard comments in the Guardian on credit transfer in higher education and IES research on behalf of the Department for Education
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