Articles and chapters by IES
IES staff write regularly for press and journals. Browse our latest articles and book chapters below.
Student loan repayment help recognises employees' wider financial situations
Rickard C, Employee Benefits, [Online], February 2018
Reward strategies must bring value to both employers and employees
Brown D, Viewpoint: Employee Benefits, Employee Benefits, [Online], February 2018
When oxymorons collide
Reilly P, theHRDIRECTOR Magazine, theHRDIRECTOR, No. 160, February 2018
Minimum wages - reputation and enforcement
Elston A, Minimum wages - Reputation and enforcement, Eversheds Sutherland seminar, Eversheds Sutherland, Leeds, February 2018
21st century workforces and workplaces: The challenges and opportunities for future work practices and labour markets
Bevan S, Brinkley I, Cooper C, Bajorek Z, Bloomsbury Publishing, Bloomsbury, London, February 2018
How to train line managers to support mental wellbeing
Wilson S, TrainingZone, [Online], January 2017
Coaching in Asia Pacific from the perspective of the coachee
Lee S, Blackman A, Carter A, Coaching and Mentoring in the Asia Pacific, Routledge, London, January 2018
How New Labour made Britain into a migration state
Consterdine E, The Conversation, [Online], December 2017
How do you close a gender pay gap?
Brown D, FDM Group blog, [Online], November 2017
Behavioural insights into benefits claimants’ training
Gloster R, Buzzeo J, Cox A, Bertram C, Tassinari A, Schmidtke K A, Vlaev I, Education + Training, Emerald, [Online], November 2017