Articles and chapters by IES

IES staff write regularly for press and journals. Browse our latest articles and book chapters below.


  • Organisational culture and cultural integration

    Garrow V, Martin G, in Francis, H., Holbeche, L.S. and Reddington, M. (eds.), People and Organization Development: A new agenda for organisational effectiveness, CIPD, February 2012

  • The labour market in 2012: some HR implications

    Meager N, Human Resources, February 2012

  • Preventing and managing stress

    Wilson S, Edge, February 2012

  • Transforming HR to Support Strategic Change

    Reilly P, in Francis H, Holbeche LS and Reddington M (eds.), People and Organization Development: A new agenda for organisational effectiveness, CIPD, February 2012

  • Les employeurs face au défi de gérer la génération Facebook

    Broughton A, Liaisons Sociales Europe, N° 295, January 2012

  • Obtaining customer feedback on HR - Who dares wins

    Reilly P, Hirsh W, People Management, January 2012

  • Instruments of peace

    Broughton A, Communication Director, Issue 4, 2012

  • The big question: what festive rewards are you offering this year?

    Reilly P, Employee Benefits, December 2011, December 2011

  • Nip it in the bud

    Broughton A, HR Director, Issue 86, December 2011

  • Board blind spots: a method for exposing what boards can't see

    Carter A, Developing organisations: evolution and revolution, Association for Management Education and Development (AMED), Vol, 18 No. 4, Winter 2011