Evaluation of the Individual Placement and Support in Primary Care and the Work and Health Programme Pioneer Phase: Privacy Information Notice

This privacy notice sets out the legal basis for processing data in relation to this research project. The research is examining the implementation and perceived effectiveness of two DWP Programmes: Individual Placement and Support in Primary Care (IPSPC) and Work and Health Programme (WHP) Pioneer Phase.

The research is being completed by the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) and Ipsos UK. The privacy notice explains who we are, the personal data we collect, how we use it, who we share it with, and what your legal rights are.

About IES and Ipsos UK

  • IES is independent centre for research and evidence-based consultancy. We provide insights on employment and human resource management topics to help improve policy and practice.
  • Ipsos UK is a specialist research agency based in the UK. Ipsos UK is part of the Ipsos worldwide group of companies, and a member of the Market Research Society.  As such we abide by the Market Research Society Code of Conduct and associated regulations and guidelines.

The legal basis for processing your personal data

Your data is being processed because it is necessary to fulfil a function of a government department – namely DWP’s responsibility to evaluate IPSPC and WHP Pioneer Phase. For your personal data, this is allowed by section 8 of the Data Protection Act (2018) and Article 6(1)(e) of the UK GDPR.

What does the research involve?

The study will involve in-depth interviews and case study research in a selection of areas across England and Wales. The in-depth interviews will be completed with Work and Health Programme key workers, local authority staff with oversight of IPSPC in their area and local managers of IPSPC services. Each case study will involve in-depth interviews with:

  • Provider staff delivering IPSPC and WHP Pioneer;
  • Staff working in organisations that refer people to IPSPC/WHP Pioneer or deliver complimentary support alongside IPSPC;
  • Employers with experiences of employing IPSPC participants;
  • Participants receiving IPSPC or Work and Health programme Pioneer Phase support.

All interviews will be completed remotely, either online through video conferencing or over the phone.

To arrange these interviews, your name and contact details (phone number or email address) have been securely shared with the research team with your consent by the organisation(s) delivering IPS/WHP Pioneer services in your area. This personal information will only be processed for the purposes of completing this research, under the direction of DWP.

Who will have access to my personal data?

Your contact details will be stored on an encrypted server, with access restricted solely to members of the research team. Even after these contact details have been shared with the research team, you are still free to withdraw from the research and can decline to take part in an interview without having to give a reason.

If you agree to take part in a research interview, any information you provide will be summarised in an anonymised format – this means we will remove any information that could be used to identify you.

How will my data be treated?

Taking part in the research is entirely voluntary and any answers are given with your consent. If you are invited and choose to take part in an interview, the information you give will only be used for purposes of this study.

IES and Ipsos will produce a report summarising the main findings from across case study areas. This will be shared with operational leaders, analysts and policy makers at DWP. It may also be published and made publicly available on the gov.uk website. Individuals will not be named in the reports, nor will any information be included that could reveal their identity.

Data protection law requires that personal data are kept for no longer than is necessary. We will anonymise the information you provide as soon as we practically can (i.e. within 2 weeks of the interview date). The personal data we used to contact you will be securely deleted from the IES and Ipsos systems six months after the project is complete (currently estimated to be December 2025).

What are my rights?

You have rights under data protection law to make the following requests about the personal data that is held about you, which is being processed for this research, including:

  • to request access to this data
  • to amend any incorrect or inaccurate information
  • to restrict or object to your data being processed

If you would like to exercise any of your Data Subject Rights please contact: jonathan.buzzeo@employment-studies.co.uk.

Who can I contact with a query about how my data will be used?

If you have any questions about how your data will be used, please contact Jonathan Buzzeo, Project Manager for this strand of the research at IES: jonathan.buzzeo@employment-studies.co.uk.

You can also contact DWP at: data.protectionofficer@dwp.gov.uk  

Or via post:
DWP Data Protection Officer
DWP Data Protection Team
Benton Park View 6
Room BP6001
Mail Handling Site A
WV98 1ZX

Who can I contact with a complaint?

Further information on the rights available to you is also available from the Information Commissioner’s Office - the independent body responsible for regulating data protection within the UK. They can also deal with any complaints you may have regarding our use of your data:

  • Tel: 0303 123 1113
  • Email: casework@ico.org.uk
  • Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF